Archive for May, 2024

How to Strip and Remove Surgical Drain

Some of our patients travel a great distance for their surgery. They often return home shortly after their surgery and cannot physically come back to Dallas for their post op visits or drain removal. While Dr. Rai prefers to remove the surgical drains himself, some patients can have their surgical drains removed closer to their […]

Differences if the Implant is Above versus Below the Muscle

Does it make a difference if my implants are above or below the muscle? If the implants are above the muscle (subglandular): Advantages: -Generally, the capsules are easier to remove and easier to remove en bloc -The procedure is generally less painful to the patient -The drains generally do not drain as much and can […]

Do I Need a Breast Lift with My Explant procedure

A breast lift involves tightening up the skin of the breast around the new smaller breast size. It is done for three main reasons: 1. To lift the nipple in a higher position on the breast 2. To decrease the size of the areolar pigment 3. The tighten up the lower part of the breast […]

How Do I Tell If My Implants Have Ruptured

Most implant manufacturers recommend exchanging implants at 10 years. This is due to rupture rates of implant. Breast implants are mechanical devices and the longer they go the more likely they are to break down and rupture. Many women have concerns that their implants could already be ruptured. Ruptures could occur due to the age […]

What to Expect for Out-of-Town Patients

Many patients travel from all over the United States as well as all over the world to seek out Dr. Surjit Rai for their breast explant procedure. Dr. Rai and his staff try to make the experience as easy as possible for out-of-town patients. Initial Consultation: When a patient calls, they will be setup with […]

Recovery after your Explant Surgery

Drains: Most patients will have drains for 4 or 5 days. Sometimes drains can stay longer depending on the amount of fluid your body is producing. Once the drains are under 30cc for a full 24 hours then they can be removed. If a patient is local the drains will be removed in the office […]

Why More Women Are Choosing Breast Lift After Implant Removal?

Young woman touch her breast implant

Recently, there’s been a noticeable shift among women choosing to have their breast implants removed and opting for a subsequent breast lift. This trend reflects broader changes in aesthetic preferences and health awareness. Dr. Rai, a distinguished surgeon in Dallas, TX, sheds light on why an increasing number of women are moving towards this option, […]


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