Differences if the Implant is Above versus Below the Muscle

Does it make a difference if my implants are above or below the muscle?
If the implants are above the muscle (subglandular):
-Generally, the capsules are easier to remove and easier to remove en bloc
-The procedure is generally less painful to the patient
-The drains generally do not drain as much and can be removed earlier
-Cosmetically, usually doesn’t look as good as the implants had been stretching the skin and breast tissue more
If the implants are below the muscle (subpectoral):
– Cosmetically, usually the breast can return to a more normal form because the implants are being held tight to the chest from the overlying muscle
-Capsules are more difficult to remove because they are more adhered to underlying ribs and space between the ribs
-The procedure is generally more painful to the patient
-The drains generally stay in longer because there can be more potential bleeding
These are generalizations and can be different for each patient depending on their unique circumstances and breasts.